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Ham Radio Roof Towers from Carlson Communications
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DIGITAL - APRS Byonics Tiny Trak 4's w-Cables

wo (2) APRS Byonics Tiny Trak-4's with manual, Byonics M-12 I/O Cable (6 Pin mini-plug) fits most Kenwood/Yaesu mobile Radios with Anderson power connectors, Byonics Null Moden Cable & a Male to Female 9-pin D cable. $135 picked up or $150 shipped to lower 48. USPO money order only. Questions call 301-233-0910, Dave N3EJT

Listing #1699249 by N3EJT
Last Edited on 08/31/24
Submitted on 08/24/24
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W6LVP Magnetic Loop Receive Antennas - Over 1000 Sold
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