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Ham Radio Roof Towers from Carlson Communications
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I have here an EXTREMELY nice Kenwood TS-820S for sale or trade. It's in almost perfect physical condition, and absolutely in perfect operational condition! It has VFO Stabilizer installed, and has ZERO drift! It's been gone over thoroughly and recapped by Terry Wagoner, a well known Kenwood guru! It has full output on all bands and modes. Comes with a custom embroidered dust cover, a spiral bound copy of the manual with clear plastic protective covers, and a D-104M6B hand held amplified microphone that sounds awesome with the rig. $400.00 plus shipping, OR..... WILL TRADE FOR A DECENT 350-400 WATT MOBILE AMPLIFIER. Local pickup in middle Tennessee is fine also. Cash for pickup, or postal money order if it's going to be shipped. NO PAYPAL. Email from your QRZ email account if interested and I'll get back to you ASAP. More pics available on request

Listing #1701349 by KI4FQZ
Submitted on 09/09/24
Submitted from IP

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