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14 volt 4 Amp Clean DC Power Supply / Elecraft KX3 Heatsink
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DIGITAL - FTDI USB CAT Programming Cable Yaesu FT-

I have been playing with a few different CAT programming cables for the FT-990 that need the 1.2K resistor. They work just fine in connecting. But the only software that I can make it work is through DXLab Commander. There might be others that can handle it. DXLab interacts with WSJT-X and basically a digi interface is all is needed to play with FT8/4.
If someone is in need of a CAT cable for the FT990, please let me know via email.
$35 to your door if in the East Coast....Venmo, Zelle, ??

Listing #1700678 by NN3RP
Submitted on 09/03/24
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Epic PWRGate Power Gate from West Mountain Radio
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